Monday, July 18, 2011

Tips to Prevent Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)

Tips to Prevent Coronary Heart Disease (CHD). Coronary heart disease is verydeadly. In developing countries like America, Britain, Singapore, and Indonesia for example, coronary heart disease is threatening one of the human soul that is still veryscary, in because of lack of awareness of human health. Here are tips for preventive health:

  1. Check your blood regularly.
  2. No smoking.
  3. Check if you have diabetes, and control blood glucose levels if you have diabetes.
  4. Maintain a normal weight.
  5. Diets low in cholesterol and saturated fat.
  6. Exercise regularly.
  7. Reduce the impact of stress by relaxation.
  8. Perform regular health checks.
  9. Avoid foods high in saturated fat such as goat meat, liver, intestine, brain and others.
  10. Expand to-Eat foods that contain omega-3 high.
  11. Exercise such as walking, jogging, gymnastics, tai chi, yoga, breathing exercises,funbike, swimming, tennis, under the light matahri morning between the hours of 6-8.
  12. Think positive.

Hopefully these tips are beneficial for your health.

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